Webcams from ski resorts around the world

About this site

This site contains a compilation of 4948 webcams in ski resorts from 48 countries around the world, including over 4000 in Europe.

If you find a cam that works on the resort's site but not on snoweye, or any new cams we haven't yet listed, please do let us know. Any assistance in the thankless task of keeping the site up to date is always welcome.


If you are interested in sponsoring any of the regional cam pages, please contact us for details.


Please note that does not operate any of the webcams featured. All camera images remain the property of the various ski resort sites.

We wish to thank all the resort webmasters, without whom this site would not be possible.


This site does not make direct use of cookies in any way, and does not store any personal data about its users. Cookies may however be used by the analytics services we use and the advertising networks whose banners we display. The only data received by the site is from users who choose to submit feedback using the form provided. Names, e-mail addresses and other data entered on the feedback form are not stored on the server nor passed on to any third parties under any circumstances.


The cam data used to generate this site has been researched by John Wilcock, and also integrates earlier research by Midland Ski Club for resorts outside Europe.